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Rushing in Russia

Phew! Am I exhausted. I’m collapsed on my hotel bed, drenched to the bone from all the rain. The hotel we’re staying is in the old Olympic village from the 80s.

I’ve been travelling with my group now for a few days, there’s a pack of Australian travel agents, some Brits and lone Europeans; a good mix. Last night we spent on the train between St Petersburg and Moscow - arriving to non-stop rain.

Yesterday I got invited to a Russian home by a girl we met the other night called Olga, she’s one of the other tour guides whose doing the route on the way back - Russians are so very welcoming and proud of their country and home. I was introduced to her traditionally Russian baboushka, she didn’t speak any English, but we got by; Olga had made a cake, it had homemade jam with it; and we drank ‘compot’ (sp?) which is a drink made of berries, herbs and dried apple :9


Today we’ve explored the bleakest parts of Russia that seems to be stuck in perpetual rain - pathetic fallacy or what. We visited the Kremlin and saw the embalmed body of Lenin (surrounded by lots of stern and serious looking Russian police); and we wandered around St Basil’s and Red Square.

I’m going to try to dry myself off now and then pack my bag, we’re leaving Moscow first thing tomorrow ob the trans Siberian for 3 days and 4 nights to Irkutsk.

Laters comrades!

Moscow photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/14859193@N07/sets/72157635330646162/