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The New Year had come and gone. It was now the beginning of January and hot as ever. David, Blanca and I had had a great few days of catching up and we were about to start our journey to the Red Centre, first stop: Adelaide.

Arriving by plane and taking a taxi to the centre of town. The taxi driver gives us a bit of a description of the layout of the town; Adelaide is not very big at all.


After leaving our bags in the hostel we venture out for a quick trip around town, Adelaide is a very small city. We visit the market at the heart of town and enjoy it’s vibrant sights and smells - an excitement of the senses. We buy some wagyu beef, the same black cattle used for the Kobe beef I’d eaten a few months ago in Japan and, Australia’s premium beef with glorious marbling, rich meaty flavour and an unbelievable, melt-in-your-mouth texture. We salt it up and let it sit for a while to allow the flavours to come out and fry it medium-rare in the pan alongside some potatoes. David and I exchange smiles as we quietly eat, savouring the mouthfuls.


Day two in Adelaide and we hire some bikes to zip around town, we cycle along the river in the windy sunshine and have a picnic in the park surrounded by seagulls. Dinner at a Chinese restaurant for some crispy Peking duck.


Our last day in Adelaide before our tour starts and we get some last minute supplies for the long journey ahead. We visit the waterfront but are put off by high winds, grey skies and an uninspiring beach so we go back to town and visit a raw-food cafe for lunch and have teas, smoothies, salads and pizzas.

You can check out my Adelaide gallery on Flickr.